In this French film we see what can be done in film that bridges the gap between “porn” and “mainstream” movies.
This is a real film with a story that has meaning. While the film is about sex and the actors actually have sex on screen (as oppose to simulated sex) it is decidedly not fixated on genitalia as in most commercial porn.
I had seen the version sold in the US before, but it was not until someone sent me this link did I see it the way the director meant. In the American version it cuts the sex itself almost completely out. Here you see how films could do sex scenes but do not.
This film is worth your time watch.

I saw this film a few years ago and was really taken with it. The sex never felt gratuitous or unnecessary. It was quite beautifully done, over all, and I felt the message that sex and sexuality are completely natural parts of life, and not something to hide away, was superb. The notion of somebody wanting to know their loved ones have that fulfillment and are well adjusted and sex positive enough to discuss it openly, without shame or fear, was beautiful. Frankly a film I wish more people would see - the uncut, full version only of course 😋
Can someone here give the Clif Notes on the film? Sounds like my kind of film.
i liked this enough to masturbate to it while watching the whole movie, a sign of a quality erotic cinema like sirens.
most films with explicit sex get edited and ruin the story, Brown Bunny for instance. Roger Ebert hated it until he saw it as the director originally wanted it and then changed his mind
Welp, this film has been deleted from the source.