Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to everyone on Liberum Sexus.
Although Christmas has been commercialized and not many believe in the actual Virgin Birth anymore, the meaning of Christmas should not be forgotten:
“The Virgin Birth does not refer to the biological condition of Mary, the mother of Jesus, but to a rebirth of the spirit that everyone can experience.” (Campbell, Joseph. Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor.)
We are all invited to experience this rebirth of the spirit during this festive time. What better way to celebrate it than through sex. Or as Ken Wilber in his forward to David Deida’s book “Finding God Through Sex” asks: “Finding God through sex? And why not? The only thing that is astonishing in that equation is that it ever should have seemed odd to begin with. For many of the world’s great wisdom traditions, particularly in their mature phases, sexuality was deeply viewed as an exquisite expression of spirituality—and a path to further spiritual realization. After all, in the ecstatic embrace of sexual love, we are taken far beyond ourselves, released from the cramp of the separate self, delivered at least temporarily into timeless, spaceless, blissful union with the wondrous beloved: and what better definition of spiritual release is there than that? We all taste God, taste Goddess, taste pure Spirit in those moments of sexual rapture, and wise men and women have always used that rapture to reveal Spirit’s innermost secrets.” (Deida, David. Finding God Through Sex: Awakening the One of Spirit Through the Two of Flesh.)
My Christmas wish for everyone is that we all experience rapture through our sexual relationships to experience the rebirth of the spirit in our lives. 🎄 ❤️
It is us older people that is carrying on this tradition as we still believe in the season not like most of the younger generations.
Thank you for saying it!
Merry Christmas and Happy Chanuka
You are a joy to behold. Rapyure through sexual relationships has you on a loop for us.