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This is a blog dedicated to the liberation of sexuality from those who seek to keep it shamed, persecuted and hidden. We believe in liberum sexusIn this blog you will find open, direct and even joyful

discussion  and images of human sexuality. For that we make no apology.

You will NOT find sex used to oppress, degrade, abuse or control. Nor will you find images that violate US law.   

By giving myself more time for the second half of chp. 62, I was able to make some more revisions.

So while part A was more instructive than sexy, I think I've made up for it in part B.

I realized I deleted the link to my Patreon account. This website is very much made possible by those who volunteer to help offset the costs by supporting me on Patreon. Their kindness, no matter if it is just $5/month helps me with encouragement as much as the money.  I give them sneak peeks of what I'm working on and virtual behind-the-scenes content. 

Paula Photo of the week

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Circa 1999

Our first beach trip with the kids

From my portfolio This Week


Circa 2004

In my home studio

This is an older project which I made these overview frames, but my old PC simply wasn't able to do the images I wanted. Now that I have a dedecated rendering PC I, this is yet another project I need to get back to. 

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