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This is a blog dedicated to the liberation of sexuality from those who seek to keep it shamed, persecuted and hidden. We believe in liberum sexusIn this blog you will find open, direct and even joyful

discussion  and images of human sexuality. For that we make no apology.

You will NOT find sex used to oppress, degrade, abuse or control. Nor will you find images that violate US law.   

Sorry, I've been in bed sick all week and have not been able to work at all.
Hopefully next week will be better. 


Revised Cast Images

Paula Photo of the week


Circa 1994
So very long ago. 

From my portfolio This Week


Circa 2003

One of my first shoots of a client rather than of my wife.

man oif choice.jpg

We have no regrets about doing this many times over the years. 

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